Saturday, 19 March 2011

Further work on "sky birds"

I'm thinking "book". For the first mock-up, I crumpled up the bottom of each strip of tracing paper, and then traced flying bird silhouettes on non-crumpled parts -

Inspiration, plenty of inspiration! Once you start looking, you see relevant images everywhere - for, example, in a print by Scottish artist Douglas Robertson - see it here, and more of his work too -
(It came from the artpropelled blog, which is not to be missed.)

A wrought-iron gateway in Melbourne -

The sequence with flocking seabirds in Suki Chan's film, Interval II - in fact the film has two sequences of flocking birds -
Yet more relevant images -
This one is by Rowena Hughes and opens new trains of thought - cutting into the pages of the book, perhaps? -

She has also printed birds on a found dictionary page, and fastened it to the glass with magnets - clever and elegant -
The words of the poem are written in stone -

1 comment:

  1. All your wonderful images of birds have reminded me of Charles Harpers 'Birds & Words' which was lent to me recently. He pares down images so beautifully for screen prints. Looking forward to seeing how your book turns out. Those cut-outs of R Harper look like beaks and wings!


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